Monday, November 26, 2018


Complaint Letter
           A Complaint Letter is a type of letter written to address any type wrong doing, offence, grievance, resentment arising out of a product, service etc. Complaint Letters are used to raise your concerns about unfair things and seek a productive outcome. They are also used to vent out your pent up emotions arising out of your suffering or bad experience. It is a fundamental right and duty of a citizen to seek justice arising out of any injustice, which is initiated by a Complaint. Complaint letters then, become your First Step towards your Consumer Rights. They inspire other hassled consumers, influence the concerned authorities towards taking proper action and make the defaulters more liable, responsible and responsive. This is because unresponsive behaviour of the offender is liable to a Punishable Court Proceeding or an Expensive Lawsuit.
           Writing complaints letters is an essential responsibility of the victim whilst seeking positive outcomes. Complaint Letter writing is not only a pre-warning for the offender but also a chance for them to rectify their act in time. These letters are not just meant for defective products, service they can also be written towards any injustice happening in the society, like ‘Smoking in Public’, ‘Misuse of Water by any Person or an Organisation’ and any issue happening in society which needs to be addressed.
            Anyone can complaint through letter if there is a legitimate reason. Anyone can write a letter to the administration regarding the pollution, water supply, traffic problems, shortage of electricity etc. You don’t need to be a lawyers or an influential person. All you need to do is to learn to write a complaint letter in an appropriate manner with all the relevant information included. In the matter contained here, you will get all the tips to write a complaint letter.
Types of Complaint Letters
            Complaint letters are of different types and different reasons and depending upon that they can be categorised accordingly.
            Depending on the level of an organisation or an individual these can be:
1. Personal Complaint Letters - When a letter is written at a personal level by an individual it is called as Personal Complaint Letter. These are written by consumers to get refund, replace a product etc.  These are also written for grievances’ regarding a service or any issue affecting the individual or society at large.
2.   Professional Complaint Letters - When a letter is written on behalf of an organisation it is called known as Professional Complaint Letter. These letters have the backing of an organisation and are mostly related to professional items and services.

            How to write a Complaint Letter
            Writing a complaint letter or rather writing effective complaint letter is the one thing to be taken notice of. Otherwise writing complaint letters is just like writing any other type of letter. There are certain criteria like tone, grammar and other criteria mentioned below before we can sit to write down a Complaint Letter. Depending upon the need, the format is subject to variation. However, the below mentioned formats are the most common one.

Arnold Armstrong
89 Villa Street
Val Haven, CT 95135
Phone – 890056711

30th June, 2012

Customer Care Manager
Customer Service
Airtel Telecom
8423 Green Terrace Road
Asterville, WA 65435

Dear Sir or Madam

Re: Order Number TF285347

I recently ordered a new Beetel Modem (item #285347), Model 100CX from your website on 20th June 2012.  I received the order on 7th July. Unfortunately, the modem turned out to be defective.

I connected it to my PC and installed all the drivers provided. I followed the manual provided but it didn’t work. All the Lights on the Modem were ON. I even went through troubleshooting but to no avail. I even installed it on my friends PC but ‘No Connectivity’. I used my Dying Modem to check if the ‘Line wasn’t Faulty’. The internet worked fine and there was ‘No issue with the Line’. I even formatted and reinstalled Windows just to make sure that there wasn’t a problem in my system. But that didn’t make the modem work.

As mentioned above, I have tried everything and the fault lies clearly in the modem. I would like you to credit my account for the amount charged for the modem. I needed a new modem so I bought it from a local shop. I don’t need a Replacement but a Refund which I am entitled to as per your Policy.

Thank you for taking the time to read this letter. I have been a loyal and satisfied customer of your company for quite some time now. This is the first time I have encountered a problem.

Looking forward towards a Prompt Refund.



Arnold Armstrong
Pict 1 : Complaint Letter

Application Letter
An application letter is merely another name for a cover letter, the official business letter often included with a job application and/or resume and sent to a prospective employer. Although application letters are generally considered optional components of applying for a job, more and more frequently, employers are singling out those who actually take the time to write an application letter as their top picks. Here are a few components of a typical, successful application letter:
a)      Professional Style
Application letters are usually, and should always, be in an officer letter style, like block style. These letters should be formatted properly and checked for spelling and grammatical errors.
b)     Salutation
Although many application letters open with a simple "Sir or Madam:", the more successful application letters are addressed personally to the hiring manager (which often takes some research on the part of the job applicant).
c)      Body
The body of a good application letter, usually 3 to 4 paragraphs, explains why the applicant is a good fit for the job, explains relevant experience, and shows how that experience would be useful if selected for the career opportunity.
d)     Attachments
An application letter is rarely sent to a prospective employer alone. It is usually accompanied by a resume, salary history, list of references, and/or other documentation of achievements.
e)      Length
Application letters are generally no more than one page in length. Employers are unimpressed by application letters of half a page or less, though; filling most of one page is the safest way to complete an application letter.

HRD Department
Bank Negara Indonesia
Cabang Jakarta Kota
Lada Street No 1st
Jakarta Kota

Dear Sir or Madam,I am writing to you to inquire about the possibility of working in your company that was informed by Website I am interested in “Front Liner ” position.My name is Sri Wahyuningsih. I am twenty one years old. I have background in Accounting Diploma III in Polytechnic Negeri Jakarta. And now i have graduate from my college and waiting letter of graduate (Surat Tanda Kelulusan)With my educational background, I’m confident that my qualification and skills could make significant contributions to your company. I will be able to operate computer especially MYOB .Besides that, I am a person who can work either independently or as part of team. I am also initiative, hardworking, and eager to learn. I have been training at Perum Jasa Tirta II Jatiluhur.My resume has been attached which outline my qualification in greater detail. I would appreciate the opportunity to discuss my qualification; please keep this application confidential. I will look forward to hearing from you soon.Sincerely yours,

Pict 2 : Application Letter

Questions and Answers about Complaints and Application Letter
1.      What is the definition about complaint letter?
-    A complaint letter is a type of letter written to address any type wrong doing, offence, grievance, resentment arising out of a product, service etc

2.      What is the function of complaint letter
-    Complaint Letters are used to raise your concerns about unfair things and seek a productive outcome. They are also used to vent out your pent up emotions arising out of your suffering or bad experience

3.      How many types of complaint letters?
-        a. Personal Complaint Letters
b. Professional Complaint Letter

4.      What is the definition about application letter?
-        An application letter is merely another name for a cover letter, the official business letter often included with a job application and/or resume and sent to a prospective employer

5.      There are several application letter, what is that?
-        a. Professional Style
b. Salutation
c. Body
d. Attachments
e. Lenght


Monday, November 12, 2018


The letters that are written for collecting information about job seekers, prices, products, and services before awarding jobs, granting credit, making contracts and giving promotions are known as letters of inquiry. These letters are written to a third party seeking information about either a job or a company that wishes to make business relationship.
Quible and others defined, “Letters of inquiry are a type of business message that asks the recipient for information or assistance.”
Prospective employers and business organizations usually write inquiry letters for obtaining desired information. Prospective employers write this letter to the referees mentioned in the job application to obtain information about the applicant’s personal and family background, ability, skills, honesty, character, integrity, quality of performance, fitness for job etc.
On the other hand, business enterprises write inquiry letters to third parties referred by the customers to know about their business dealings, financial capabilities and goodwill to determine whether to establish business relationships with those enterprises.
At present it is an initial step from a company from various parties. In this letter, there are a number of things discussed by the service provider / product which is a question from the buyer in order to help the buyer to find out information about the product / service. These things include:
a.              Name and type of product
b.              Product specifications, namely; type, size, quality, capacity etc.;
c.              Price of the unit.
d.             Discounts;
e.              How to pay from the buyer to the seller;
f.               How to deliver products from seller to buyer, and
g.         Convenience that may be obtained by the buyer, such as a warranty and others.
A.    Types of Inquiry Letter
Based on purpose, there are two most common types of inquiry letters such as
a.       Personal status inquiry letter and
b.      Business status inquiry letter

a.      Personal Status Inquiry Letter
The letters that are written by prospective employers for obtaining information about job applicants are called personal status inquiry letter. Employers write this letter to obtain information relating to the applicant’s personal and family background, ability, skills, honesty, character, integrity, quality of performance, fitness for job etc.
Generally this letter is written to the referees mentioned by the concerned applicant. In response to this letter, the referees write a reply letter to the employer. This response letter may be favorable, unfavorable or neutral to the applicant.
a.      Business Status Inquiry Letter
When a business enterprise writes letter to another business enterprise for collecting information about a prospective customer, it is known as business status inquiry letter. This letter is usually written for collecting information about financial capability, goodwill, nature of business dealings, honesty etc. of a business enterprise to determine whether to establish business transactions with it. Responses of this letter may be either favorable or unfavorable.
Image result for contoh inquiry letter
Pict 1 : Example of an Inquiry Letter

a letter of order is a document that confirms the details of a purchase of goods or services from one party to another. It usually includes more information about what you are ordering, like quantity, model number, or color, the payment terms, and the matter in which the products are to be shipped. When the recipient receives this letter, they will process the order and send the merchandise.
A.    Order Letter Definition
An “Order” is an expense for the person placing the order and an income for the one getting it. But this is not all. The company that bags the order has to fulfill lot of commitments to ensure that it has a satisfied customer, which can be an individual or another company. Timely delivery of the order, quality of delivery and after sale service – are all part and parcel of getting an order.
An Order Letter is the one that is written by the person/company placing the request of purchase from another company. This letter comes into action only when a detailed study of the desired product has been done in the market and based on promised service, quality and price of the product, a decision for a purchase has been made.
An Order Letter should be drafted very carefully as it needs to pen down all the terms and conditions of the purchase for the benefit of both involved parties. It should have details such as product specifications, quantities, price agreed upon, delivery date, late delivery clauses, etc. It should be addressed to the person responsible for the execution of the order with a copy to the head of department. Since it is totally an official letter it should be typed.
Remember that all relevant information must be given in the order letter. This is like more business and of course helps to prevent reading errors to compile a table of items needed. As a guide for compiling an order letter you must fulfill:
a.       Reference to a source of information
b.      List of products to be ordered
c.   Quantity, quality, price, catalog number (if any) (quantity, quality, price, catalog number (if any))
d.      Details of delivery and payment (delivery and payment details)
e.       An order number (order number)
The order letter is used to order goods according to the amount needed by the company either by using the official order form or not. There are two ways to make an order letter, namely:
a.       Order without using official order form
b.      Order by using the official order form
Ordering without using an official order form can be done by simply writing a letter with all the order details by directly entering into the letter. Thus, this letter functions as an order letter, so the content must be clear, concise and direct to the destination.
While in large companies, in general, it is usually done by using an official order form. Every time you want to make an order, you can fill in the available fields. Order forms or often called purchase orders (PO) usually consist of:
a.       No. (number)
b.      Unit price
c.       Description / items
d.      Amount
e.       Quantity
f.       Delivery date
g.      Type
h.      Terms of payment

Image result for contoh order letter
Pict 2 : Example of an Order Letter

1.      What is the meaning of inquiry letter?
-          Letters of inquiry are a type of business message that asks the recipient for information or assistance

2.      Based on purpose  how many types of inquiry letter?
-          Two types
a.       Personal status inquiry letter and
b.      Business status inquiry letter

3.      What is the meaning of personal status inquiry letter?
-          The letters that are written by prospective employers for obtaining information about job applicants are called personal status inquiry letter

4.      What is the meaning of order letter?
-          a letter of order is a document that confirms the details of a purchase of goods or services from one party to another

5.      Give a example of order letter?
Image result for contoh order letter